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Welcome to book online taxi from airport Podgorica to Virpazar at Skadar Lake, Vranjina, Rijeka Crnojevica, Godinje and all other places and villages in the area. Totally free reservations – schedule now and pay after you arrive to your destination. You absolutely don’t need a credit card, just fill the contact form with basic information. Transportation from Podgorica airport to Skadar lake - Virpazar by taxi is definitely best mode of traveling. There is no public transport to these destinations. Our safe and comfortable vehicles and minivans are at your disposal 24h during all year. Easy online booking with fixed prices valid per vehicle 1-4 passengers. Private rides, no sharing vehicle with unknown persons.

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Prices for Comfort Class Vehicle 1-4 Persons:

Virpazar: 40 Euros    Vranjina: 35 Euros

Godinje: 45 Euros     Rijeka Crnojevica: 45 Euros


Taxi from Podgorica airport to lake Skadar villages can be reserved in three easy steps. Use our online booking platform which require just your name, email address and write your arrival information. After you received confirmation email on address you provide, your journey is scheduled. Upon arrival, driver will be at your arrival door waiting for you. He will have your name – board as a sign of recognition. Absolutely same procedure is if you want to schedule taxi transfer Podgorica to Rijeka Crnojevica or Virpazar at Skadar lake by phone. You can call us and speak with our dispatcher using Montenegrin or English language. You must provide arrival information and your name. You can also text us; it is mobile phone number. Free calls and messages available using WhatsApp or Viber. These applications are very grateful if you need pick up in Vranjina, Virpazar, Godinje, Rijeka Crnojevica or another village, and need a ride. Just send us your location if you are not familiar with the area.

How to travel from Podgorica airport to Skadar lake – Virpazar or other place, when there is a more than four persons together? In this purpose we can ensure minivan transport for your group. When making reservation, please clearly indicate number of travelers and luggage volume. We have several different van categories. We can provide airport transfer from Podgorica to any place at Skadar lake using 7-18 seats minivan. All of them are in different price category, so please provide all necessary travel details.

Payment details are very simple. There is no any prepayment and reservation tax. You will be charged directly by the driver after you reach your destination. Just to mention that Euro is the only one currency in our country. If you want to pay transfer from airport Podgorica to Skadar lake, Rijeka Crnojevica, Virpazar, Vranjina in other currency, please inform us in advance. In the case you need an ATM, please tell that to driver immediately you meet him at the airport. He will show you where to take the cash at the airport, or stop at the closest bank on your route.

Online Booking


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